creation of a dynamic bike rental website

In the continuity of my OpenClassrooms training, after the creation of a static website and a WordPress website, came the creation of a dynamic website. This time, it was a question of developing a web application simulating a bicycle reservation in a city. For the customer, the application gives him the possibility of reserving his bike from his browser. This then temporarily stores the reservation. Object Oriented Programming defines the structure of the code, mostly JavaScript. The final version can be viewed at this address: Réservez votre vélo en libre service à Toulouse

The website is organized around four sections, here is a brief summary:

  • First, a slide show explaining how the application works and scrolling automatically every 5 seconds. The user can move forward, backward or pause using the keypad and buttons.
  • Then, a map is displayed in real time, which reveals all the stations and their availability. Clicking on the marker will trigger a display of information next to the map.
  • As a result, the user can book (or not, if the station was not available) in the form that will appear.
  • Then a free field will appear and the user will  have to affix his signature using the Canvas API.
  • Finally, through the use of the Web Storage API, a message confirms the reservation, followed by a 20-minute countdown, at the end of which the reservation will be canceled.


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, API Canvas, API WebStorage