Hello, I'm Vincent Richy.

I'm a Web Developer.



Who am I ?

Portrait in back and white of man with a beard

WEB developer

Naturally curious to learn new things, I jumped into the world of coding like I did with travel back in the past. Full of motivation and obstinate, I am ready to make any project a reality.  Web development continually gives me the opportunity to learn and discover new things.

My multidisciplinary profile (Communication, Webdesign and Development) places the user at the center of the process and allows me to meet the expectations of the request. I have learned the fundamentals Front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap) and Back-end (PHP, SQL), which I devote myself to perfecting and enriching daily.

What are my areas of expertise ?​

Web development

HTML and CSS languages are essential for the creation of a website. When the former lays the foundation and the structure of the site, the latter endeavors to present an attractive and familiar interface. By choosing my services, your website is produced in compliance with web standards, while ensuring a pleasant and intuitive presentation.

Web design

The website interface determines the success of the user experience. It is his web design and his graphic personality that will encourage the Internet user to continue browsing, to trigger an action, and to come back a little later if he considers the experience to be successful. Thus, my sites adapt to all media (they are said to be responsive) and are designed to ensure smooth, intuitive and action-friendly navigation.


The design of a dynamic website (in other words a website that displays personalized content according to the requests of the Internet user) requires the adoption of programming languages. Knowledge of these languages (PHP, JavaScript) allows me to build dynamic, interactive websites adapted to demand.

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What some of my clients say's about me



"Aenean et tellus ut nisl varius finibus quis eu ligula. Phasellus nibh arcu, imperdiet sit amet pretium cursus, interdum ut dolor. Fusce sed lectus at augue vulputate imperdiet non at erat. Sed ac quam vel ligula tempor ultricies sit amet in quam."

Based in Cornwall. Available Worldwide

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